Adventures in Baby Food

There are so many things to think about when your bundle of joy arrives. What will she eat? Breastmilk, formula? What brand of diapers (spoiler alert: the kind that can contain blowouts)? What bottles, what binkies, what clothes, how long to stay in your room? blah blah blah

Guess what- there is no right or wrong answer to any of these. Well, except if you say - "my baby is living on air" like that freak facebook post making the rounds of people living off the air they breathe. Air can only get you so far...

but let's continue...

Sarah is 5 months old and has been growing tall and gaining weight like a champ and is, quite frankly, a large size for her age (#hungrygirl). At her 4 month appointment, her pediatrician said that I could start her on purees, both veggie and fruit. At this point, I had a good routine down with her, she had been sleeping through the night, eating good at set times of the day. I was not ready to switch up my routine. But! The ped said new studies show introducing puree earlier help with food allergies. So, here we are..slowly but surely!

The foods  we've done so far:

Avocado - don't need to cook, just puree with water or breastmilk/formula

Butternut Squash - steam bag from Archer Farms then puree to your desired consistency with breastmilk/formula

Green Beans - fresh - cook first then puree

Oats - got this kind

She doesn't eat much at each sitting, so I have been doing literally a tablespoon each time to get her acquainted with the spoon. But making 1 tablespoon of avocado/squash is wasteful, so I have been freezing the rest. Here's what I got to help me with the puree part and when baby food making is over, I can use it for personal use! Put the puree in a freezer tray, freeze overnight then put the cubes in a labeled freezer bag. Pop them out as needed! 1 $1.99 bag of butternut squash made 9 2oz portions. That's some thrifty business right there, seeing as organic baby food is at least $0.75 to over $1 per serving. Ain't nobody got time for that.

What foods should I try next?


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